Acerca de Que Es Esto In English Google Translate volviéndose viral

Acerca de Que Es Esto In English Google Translate volviéndose viral


The Spanish phrase "qué es esto" translates to "what is this" in English. It is a common question that can be used in a variety of contexts. For example, you might ask "qué es esto" if you see something you don’t recognize, or if you want to know the meaning of a word or phrase.

In this blog post, we will explore the meaning of "qué es esto" in more detail. We will also provide some examples of how it can be used in a variety of contexts.

The Meaning of "Qué Es Esto"

The literal translation of "qué es esto" is "what is this." However, the meaning of this phrase is not always as straightforward as it seems.

In some cases, "qué es esto" can be used to ask for the meaning of a word or phrase. For example, if you see a sign that says "hola," you might ask "qué es esto" to find out what it means.

In other cases, "qué es esto" can be used to ask for information about something you don’t recognize. For example, if you see a strange object, you might ask "qué es esto" to find out what it is.

Finally, "qué es esto" can also be used to express surprise or confusion. For example, if you see something unexpected, you might say "qué es esto" to express your surprise.

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Examples of How to Use "Qué Es Esto"

Here are some examples of how "qué es esto" can be used in a variety of contexts:

  • Asking for the meaning of a word or phrase:

    • No sé qué es esto. ¿Puedes ayudarme? (I don’t know what this is. Can you help me?)
  • Asking for information about something you don’t recognize:
  • Expressing surprise or confusion:

    • ¡Qué es esto?! ¡Nunca he visto nada igual! (What is this?! I’ve never seen anything like it!)


The Spanish phrase "qué es esto" is a versatile phrase that can be used in a variety of contexts. It can be used to ask for the meaning of a word or phrase, to ask for information about something you don’t recognize, or to express surprise or confusion.

By understanding the meaning of "qué es esto" and how it can be used, you can improve your Spanish communication skills.

  • qué es esto
  • traducción
  • google translate
  • español
  • inglés
  • significado
  • contexto
  • ejemplos
  • sorpresa
  • confusión

Frases clave:

  • "qué es esto" en inglés
  • significado de "qué es esto"
  • cómo usar "qué es esto"
  • ejemplos de "qué es esto"

Frases de larga cola:

  • ¿Qué es esto en inglés Google Translate?
  • El significado de "qué es esto" en inglés
  • Cómo usar "qué es esto" en inglés
  • Ejemplos de cómo usar "qué es esto" en inglés

Webqué es esto translation | Spanish-English dictionary. Search. Definition. Synonyms. Conjugate. Speak. Suggest new translation/definition. ya palparás lo que es esto. exp.. WebSee how “¿qué es esto ” is translated from Spanish to English with more examples in context. ¿qué es esto translation in Spanish – English Reverso dictionary, see also. WebQue esto | Spanish to English Translation – que esto. Showing results for que está. Search instead for que esto. que está. Add to list. that he's. that is.. WebCheck 'qué es esto' translations into English. Look through examples of qué es esto translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. WebSee Google Translate's machine translation of 'que es esto'. In other languages: French | Portuguese | Italian | German | Dutch | Swedish | Polish | Romanian | Czech | Greek |. WebSpanish. English. Translation of "¿qué es esto?" into English. what is that, what is this?, what's this? are the top translations of "¿qué es esto?" into English. Sample translated.

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Anyone know why Google translate translates this wrong? : r/Spanish

Acerca de Que Es Esto In English Google Translate volviéndose viral

Source: Reddit

Why is the word "que" used here? : r/Spanish

Que Es Esto In English Google Translate

Source: Reddit

Que Es Esto In English Google Translate, Tienes que intentar esto con tu traductor Google 😂, 656.25 kB, 00:28, 4,838,583, Bryan Lainez, 2021-08-02T02:30:32.000000Z, 1, Anyone know why Google translate translates this wrong? : r/Spanish, Reddit, 989 x 750, jpg, , 2, que-es-esto-in-english-google-translate, KAMPION

Que Es Esto In English Google Translate. WebTranslation. Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

Anyone know why Google translate translates this wrong? : r/Spanish

Que Es Esto In English Google Translate, WebCheck 'qué es esto' translations into English. Look through examples of qué es esto translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. WebSee Google Translate's machine translation of 'que es esto'. In other languages: French | Portuguese | Italian | German | Dutch | Swedish | Polish | Romanian | Czech | Greek |. WebSpanish. English. Translation of "¿qué es esto?" into English. what is that, what is this?, what's this? are the top translations of "¿qué es esto?" into English. Sample translated.

Tienes que intentar esto con tu traductor Google 😂

Tienes que intentar esto con tu traductor Google 😂


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