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Furnace not igniting or heating? This video provides step-by-step instructions for replacing the flame sensor on Rheem furnaces. The most common reason for replacing the flame sensor is if the furnace won’t heat and testing the sensor proves it is at fault.
Click here to purchase Part #62-23543-01: repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Flame-Sensor/622354301/2638575?TLSID=1879
Additional furnace repair, troubleshooting tips, help finding your model number, and part replacement videos: repairclinic.com/RepairHelp/Furnace-Repair-Help?TLSID=1879
All of the information in this flame sensor replacement video is applicable to the following brands: Rheem, Ruud, DuroGuard, WeatherKing, Thermal Zone
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Artículos 62-23543-01 – Rheem 62-23543-01 – Flame Sensor

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