Bossaball Campo

Bossaball Campo

The game bossaball teams are made up of 3, 4 or 5 players depending on the type of tournament. Each team can touch the ball 8 times before a player can throw the ball into the other team’s court from the elastic trampoline, doing so as decisively as possible. Een spektakel om naar te kijken en net zo spectaculair om zelf te doen. Gespeeld in een team van 4 op een veld dat vergelijkbaar is met een volleybalveld.

El Avaro De Moliere Resumen, 12.02 MB, EL AVARO – MOLIÈRE (resumen y reseña), 08:45, 73,369, Poblar Tv, 2018-07-27T07:15:01.000000Z, 19, TAREA FACIL: RESUMEN de la obra EL AVARO de Moliere,, 1033 x 1157, jpeg, avaro moliere, 20, el-avaro-de-moliere-resumen, Zadania lekcyjne

O bossaball foi inventado na espanha pelo filip eyckmans e é a junção de futebol, ginástica, volei e capoeira. O jogo é realizado num campo insuflável com. Bossaball is een balspel dat gespeeld wordt door twee teams. Het combineert volleybal, voetbal, gymnastiek en capoeira. Het speelveld bestaat uit luchtkussens en trampolines met een net in het midden. Het spel is in spanje bedacht door de belg filip eyckmans, maar bestaat inmiddels ook in een aantal andere landen. Inhoud 1 scheidsrechters en muziek El bossaball es un juego de equipo desarrollado con elementos de varios deportes: Voleibol, fútbol y capoeira.

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Bossaball, el deporte que combina fútbol, voley y capoeira

Detalles Bossaball Campo que podría ser interesante

Born from a mix of volleyball and gymnastics is a new sport that’ll work up a sweat. On this episode we uncover Bossaball.

This one of a kind new sport features a volleyball style courtwith 2 trampolines, 1 per side. Around the trampolines are inflatable mats to cushion the fall of any hit. Each teams consist of 3-5 players and a mix of male and female players. Upon receiving the ball after a serve the team can hit the ball 5 times before they have to return it over the net, unlike volleyball where you only get 3 hits.

Another rule that differs from volleyball is that you’re allowed to hit the ball twice if you are using your feet or head. After each point a team makes, the team rotates clockwise so everyone gets a different position and gets a spot on the trampoline. Serves can be made using any part of the body as long as they are ‘creative’.

Check out this sweet backflip kick, right over the net. Scoring is a little bit different then volleyball, 1 point is scored when the ball hits anywhere around the trampoline and 3 points are scored on the trampoline. There is no time limit with Bossaball, the first team to reach 25 points wins the game. Games are played in best of 3 or best of 5 sets.

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