Acerca de Esto Es Gracias A Que In English actualizar

Acerca de Esto Es Gracias A Que In English actualizar

Esto Es Gracias A Que In English


The Spanish phrase "esto es gracias a que" literally translates to "this is thanks to that." It is a common phrase in Spanish that is used to express gratitude for something. The phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, such as to express gratitude for a gift, a favor, or a success.

In English, the phrase "esto es gracias a que" can be translated in a number of ways, depending on the context. Some common translations include:

  • "This is thanks to"
  • "It is because of"
  • "It is due to"
  • "It is on account of"
  • "It is attributable to"

The following are some silos of keywords that are relevant to the topic of "esto es gracias a que":

  • Spanish
  • English
  • Translation
  • Gratitude
  • Gifts
  • Favors
  • Success



The literal translation of "esto es gracias a que" is "this is thanks to that." However, this translation is not always accurate in English. For example, if you are using the phrase to express gratitude for a gift, you would not say "this is thanks to that gift." Instead, you would say "this is thanks to the gift."

Here are some examples of how the phrase "esto es gracias a que" can be translated into English:

  • Spanish: "Esto es gracias a que me ayudaste."

  • English: "This is thanks to you helping me."

  • Spanish: "Esto es gracias a que me regalaste ese libro."

  • English: "This is thanks to you giving me that book."

  • Spanish: "Esto es gracias a que obtuve la promoción."

  • English: "This is thanks to me getting the promotion."

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The phrase "esto es gracias a que" is often used to express gratitude. Gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness for something that someone has done for you. It is a positive emotion that can have a number of benefits for your physical and mental health.

Here are some examples of how the phrase "esto es gracias a que" can be used to express gratitude:

  • Spanish: "Esto es gracias a tu ayuda. No podría haberlo hecho sin ti."

  • English: "This is thanks to your help. I couldn’t have done it without you."

  • Spanish: "Esto es gracias a tu regalo. Es muy hermoso."

  • English: "This is thanks to your gift. It is very beautiful."

  • Spanish: "Esto es gracias a tu apoyo. Significa mucho para mí."

  • English: "This is thanks to your support. It means a lot to me."


The phrase "esto es gracias a que" can also be used to express gratitude for a gift. A gift is something that someone gives you without expecting anything in return. It is a gesture of kindness and thoughtfulness.

Here are some examples of how the phrase "esto es gracias a que" can be used to express gratitude for a gift:

  • Spanish: "Esto es gracias a tu regalo de cumpleaños. Me encanta."

  • English: "This is thanks to your birthday gift. I love it."

  • Spanish: "Esto es gracias a tu regalo de Navidad. Es muy generoso de tu parte."

  • English: "This is thanks to your Christmas gift. It is very generous of you."

  • Spanish: "Esto es gracias a tu regalo de boda. Es muy especial para nosotros."

  • English: "This is thanks to your wedding gift. It is very special to us."

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The phrase "esto es gracias a que" is a versatile phrase that can be used in a variety of contexts to express gratitude. By understanding the different ways that the phrase can be translated into English, you can use it effectively to communicate your appreciation for others.

Additional Examples

Here are some additional examples of how the phrase "esto es gracias a que" can be used:

  • Spanish: "Esto es gracias a que me ayudaste a preparar la cena."

  • English: "This is thanks to you helping me prepare dinner."

  • Spanish: "Esto es gracias a que me regalaste las entradas para el concierto."

  • English: "This is thanks to you giving me the tickets to the concert."

  • Spanish: "Esto es gracias a que me apoyaste en mi nuevo negocio."

  • English: "This is thanks to you supporting me in my new business."

I hope this helps

WebMany translated example sentences containing "esto es así gracias a" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations. WebTraducción de "gracias a que" en inglés. Adverbio. thanks to the fact that. due to the fact that. thank you to because since. owing to. Mostrar más. Atractivo retorno sobre la. WebTranslations in context of "gracias a que" in Spanish-English from Reverso Context: gracias a la que podremos WebEl servicio de Google, que se ofrece sin coste económico, traduce al instante palabras, frases y páginas web a más de 100 idiomas. Traductor. Configuración. Velocidad de la. WebY eso es gracias a las acciones de marketing digital que realizan.: And that's thanks to the digital marketing actions they perform.: Bueno, eso es gracias a esto. Well, that's thanks.

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How do you say "gracias por enseñarme esto " in English (UK)? | HiNative

Acerca de Esto Es Gracias A Que In English actualizar

Source: How do you say "gracias por enseñarme esto " in English (UK)? | HiNative

How do you say "De verdad muchas gracias por tu esfuerzo y dedicación en esto, se que puede ser algo difícil. No se que haríamos sin ti " in English (US)? | HiNative

Esto Es Gracias A Que In English

Source: HiNative

Esto Es Gracias A Que In English, Muchas gracias afición, esto es para vosotros, 164.06 kB, 00:07, 796,168, Carlos.mantovani, 2021-02-09T20:07:42.000000Z, 1, How do you say "gracias por enseñarme esto " in English (UK)? | HiNative, How do you say "gracias por enseñarme esto " in English (UK)? | HiNative, 630 x 1200, jpg, , 2, esto-es-gracias-a-que-in-english, KAMPION

Esto Es Gracias A Que In English. WebGoogle's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. WebMany translated example sentences containing "esto es gracias a que" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations. WebMany translated example sentences containing "esto es gracias a" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations.

How do you say "gracias por enseñarme esto " in English (UK)? | HiNative

Esto Es Gracias A Que In English, WebEl servicio de Google, que se ofrece sin coste económico, traduce al instante palabras, frases y páginas web a más de 100 idiomas. Traductor. Configuración. Velocidad de la. WebY eso es gracias a las acciones de marketing digital que realizan.: And that's thanks to the digital marketing actions they perform.: Bueno, eso es gracias a esto. Well, that's thanks.

Muchas gracias afición, esto es para vosotros

Muchas gracias afición, esto es para vosotros


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