Webin onze berekening, 40/100 * 20 konden we ook zo doen: (40 * 20) / 100 (net hetzelfde). 40 * 20 is 800. Verplaats de komma in 800 2 plaatsen naar links en je krijgt 8. 00.
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Viral 40 MIN TOTAL BODY CALORIE SIZZLER | 40-30-20 HIIT with Dumbbells
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Detalles de 40 30 20 actualizado para usted
TOTAL BODY CALORIE SIZZLER -This is an INTENSE TOTAL BODY WORKOUT! It combines dumbbell strength exercises with full body high intensity interval training (HIIT) for a full body workout in 40-Minutes.
You’ll need a variety of dumbbells to complete this workout. I used a set of 3kg +5kg + 7kg dumbbells but you may want to use something lighter or heavier depending on your fitness and strength level.
Complete each of the following circuits as follows:
Round 1-40 secs work/20 secs Rest
Round 2-30 secs work/15 secs Rest
Round 3-20 secs work/10 secs Rest
Circuit 1-Lower Body Focus
1️⃣Squat to Step Back Lunge (7kg)
2️⃣Double Pulse Jump Lunge
3️⃣1 1/2 Stiff Leg Deadlift (7kg)
4️⃣Switch Touchdown
Circuit 2-Upper Body Focus
1️⃣DB Step Jack (7kg)
2️⃣DB Jack Curls (3kg)
3️⃣DB 2 Row to 2 Curl (7kg)
4️⃣DB Renegade Row to 2 Frogger (7kg)
Circuit 3-Total Body Focus
1️⃣Curtsy Lunge to Lateral Raise (3kg)
2️⃣2 Pulse Squat to 2 Jack Press (5kg)
3️⃣Lateral Lunge & Curl (7kg)
4️⃣Devils Press (7kg)
Circuit 4- Core Focus
1️⃣DB Situp & Press (5kg)
2️⃣Plank DB Touch
3️⃣6 High Knees 6 Climbers
4️⃣Scissor Bicycle
Workout Complete 🔥Burn 282 Calories
**Total Calories burned will vary depending on your body composition, workout intensity and also fitness level.
Level up your training with the Garage Fitness Girl App 📲Try it for $1 for the first month garagefitnessgirl.app
Sweat in style with my exclusive Garage Fitness Girl merchandise and apparel garage-fitness-girl.creator-spring.com
Love the workout and want to know how you can say thanks? ➡️ Click the link below to buy me a coffee (I take mine black 🙂 and support the channel! buymeacoffee.com/pennyb
For more videos like this No Repeat HIIT make sure to hit subscribe and tick the notification bell so you never miss another full body HIIT with weights or HIIT workout no repeats
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If you like this HIIT workout checkout these ones next:
STRENGTH HIIT & ABS NO REPEAT | Complete Workout At Home
30 MIN SWEATY NO REPEAT HIIT with weights – Total Body Workout
40 MINUTE FULL BODY NO REPEAT HIIT | Complete Strength & Cardio Workout At Home
(When available, I use affiliate links and may earn a commission at no additional cost to you)
WEARING: Ryderwear Enhance Seamless Sports Bra (M) in Teal & Enhance Scrunch Bum Seamless (S) in Chocolate
*Use code: PENNY for 10% off * ryderwear.com/penny
WORKOUT MAT: lddy.no/w7fm . Use code: garagefitnessgirl10 for $10 off
KETTLEBELLS I USE: kettlebellkings.com?afmc=h0
Use Code: GarageFit10 for 10% off
Use Code PENNY10 for 10% off when you spend over $100
PROTEIN POWDER: (Tropeaka Vanilla Lean & Chocolate Pump)
MUSIC: *Try it FREE for 30 Days
CAMERA: geni.us/ym0MO (Amazon Link)
LENS: geni.us/2do6u3 (Amazon Link)
TRIPOD: geni.us/Euk4 (Amazon Link)
MICROPHONE: geni.us/Dnyp (Amazon Link)
STUDIO LIGHTS: geni.us/F03t (Amazon Link)
CHECK OUT MORE OF MY FAVOURITE THINGS: garagefitnessgirl.com/favorites/
Website: garagefitnessgirl.com
Instagram: instagram.com/garagefitnessgirl/
Facebook: facebook.com/pennyfitnessfastpt/?ref=bookmarks
Pinterest: pinterest.com.au/pbarnshaw/
This is my own personal workout and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor before beginning this or any exercise program. By engaging in this exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk
Thank You For Following Along
Penny xo
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