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Como saber a que siglo corresponde un año y que años componen a un siglo Os comparto el enlace a edpuzzle, una aplicación con la que, además de visualizar el video, podréis responder unas preguntas para reforzar los contenidos. htt. Usar el conversor de unidades para convertir siglos en nanosegundos, microsegundos, milisegundos, segundos, minutos, horas, días, semanas, quincenas, meses, años. Esta herramienta convierte segundos a siglos y viceversa. El usuario debe rellenar uno de los dos campos y la conversión se realizará automáticamente. Convertir de siglos (siglo) 1 siglo = 3. 1536e+18 ns nanosegundos 1 siglo = 3. 1536e+15 μs microsegundos 1 siglo = 3153600000000 ms milisegundos 1 siglo = 3153600000 s segundos 1 siglo = 52560000 min minutos 1 siglo = 876000 h horas 1 siglo = 36500 d días 1 siglo = 5214. 2857142857 sem. Semanas 1 siglo = 2607. 1428571429 quincena quincenas Convierte años a siglos con la calculadora de conversión. Mira cómo convertir años a siglos y consulta la tabla de conversión.
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From the depths of the universe to the inner of our own Earth and the limit of our own existence: the explorer is fascinated by the unknown. The explorer goes over the boundaries of our knowledge in a variety of areas: how to find life on exoplanets all over the universe, what is the source of the extreme life longevity in certain places on our planet, and what is the driving force behind the Earth’s plates tectonic?
Original title: The explorer
Planetaryist Sara Seager big question is: How do you recognize life at an astronomical distance? She looks at the composition of planets and then especially to the corresponding atmospheres. Are there any planets with a gas mixture that can only be produced by life? The coming years will be exciting. Seager is convinced that we will find evidence for alien life thanks to the Keppler mission.
Lifetime explorer Michel Poulain is a demographer investigating migration flows, but his research on so-called ‘blue zones’ gives him the most satisfaction. Blue zones are places where exceptionally many people live from the age of 100 years old. They can be found for example in Japan, Costa Rica, Greece and Italy. Nothing stops him in the global search for the ingredients for a long and healthy life.
For the flamboyant and well-known Earth explorer Trond Helge Torsvik it is certain: in our own world there is another world to explore. Torsvik does not intend to rest before his explorations have unleashed a new revolution: an all-encompassing theory of geophysics of the Earth. Torsvik claims that we do not know much about the processes that occur in the inner part of the Earth. Well, we know that the continents float on the glowing hot mass in the interior of the earth, and slowly move, the so-called plate tectonics. But what is the driving force behind plate tectonics, the constant agitation of our planet? That’s why he continues to strip the globe to clues for his comprehensive geophysical theory.
The Mind of the Universe is an international science documentary series and open source platform about the rapid evolution of our knowledge. It explores the human destiny and the world of tomorrow through the eyes of the greatest thinkers and scientists of our time. In each episode, a typical human quality takes centre stage, in which the scientists and their research are embedded.
Originally broadcasted by VPRO in 2017.
© VPRO Backlight May 2017
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Presented by: Robbert Dijkgraaf
Editor in chief and script: Rob van Hattum
Direction & Editor: Kees Brouwer, Gijs Swantee, Sander Cijsouw
Research: Frederique Melman, Remy van den Brand, Anna Gimbrere, Wiesje Kuijpers, Gerko Wessel
Production: Madeleine Somer, Jordy van Langen (stage), May-Linn Tsiang (stage)
Cross Media Manager: Eef Grob
Redaction: Elmar Veerman, Marijn van der Waa, Bram van Dijk (stage), Imani van Oosterhout (stage), Yfke van der Ploeg (stage)
Media Manager & Assistant: Olivier Schuringa, Pardis Faqiri (stage)
Camera: Chris Blokhuis, Hans Bouma, Martijn Cousijn, Jacko van ’t Hof, Job Kraaijeveld, Sjoerd Vogel, Karsten Hohmann
Sound: Daan Arens, Dennis Kersten, Jillis Schriel, Mark Witte,Gregor Koppenburg, Bidisha Das, Pedro Rodriques da Silva
Translation: Lei Fang, Sasja Yakovleva, Alexandra de Vries
Script editing: Caroline Ligthart
Editing: Jeroen van den Berk, Sander Cijsouw, Tim van der Maden, Olivier van der Zee
Design: Jurriaan Schalken
Composition: Jos Jansen (Big Orange)
International partners and Education: Fred Mulder
In cooperation with: Tijl van Huijkelom
English, French and Spanish subtitles: Ericsson.
French and Spanish subtitles are co-funded by European Union.
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