To convert centimeters to millimeters, multiply the centimeter value by 10. For example, to find out how many millimeters there are in a centimeter and a half, multiply 1. 5 by 10, that makes 15 mm in 1. 5 cm. Cm to mm formula mm = cm * 10 how to convert millimeters to centimeters? 1 millimeter (mm) is equal to 0. 1 centimeter (cm).
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Width:300. 0mm (11. 81inch) full screen. Mm) is a unit of length in the international system of units (si). It is defined in terms of the meter, as 1/1000 of a meter, or the distance traveled by light in 1/299 792 458 000 of a second. Liniaal (cm / mm) online. Klik op de liniaal om de lengte te krijgen: Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between cubic centimeters and cubic millimeters. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units! Quick conversion chart of cm^3 to mm^3 1 cm^3 to mm^3 = 1000 mm^3 2 cm^3 to mm^3 = 2000 mm^3 3 cm^3 to mm^3 = 3000 mm^3
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