Vivir en santander, santander. Hay muchas personas de fuera de nuestra comunidad que conoces pero no son de santander, incluso de fuera de nuestras fronteras Sumario del costo de vida en santander. Costes mensuales estimados para una familia de 4 personas:
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Pese a ser una capital de provincia es una ciudad relativamente pequeña en comparación con otras, por lo que en 30 minutos andando desde el centro te plantas en la. 🔙 costo de vida en santander datos importantes en españa inflación 2017= 1. 11% inflación 2018= 1. 18% renta per cápita= 27,627. 30€ tasa de paro= 14% numero de habitantes=. La respuesta es muy simple, pues desde oi realtor a fin de ayudarte a tener una mejor idea de cuánto vale vivir en santander es que hemos creado 5 cuadros diferentes. Vivir en santander, santander. Hay muchas personas de fuera de nuestra comunidad que conoces pero no son de santander, incluso de fuera de nuestras fronteras Aquí te decimos los pros de vivir en santander (españa): Aún no tengo pros de este lugar, dejame tu comentario por favor ; Cosas negativas de vivir en santander. Costo de vida = €€ (2/5) felicidad = ♥♥♥♥ (4/5) esperanza de vida = 82. 20 años medio ambiente = ☺☺ (2/5) seguridad = buena costo de vida en santander.
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[4k]4k spain walk.
Santander is in northern Spain.
Walk through the alleyways of Santander. Walk to places where many locals gather and to beautiful Sea.
Santander is the capital of the autonomous community and historical region of Cantabria situated on the north coast of Spain. It is a port city located east of Gijón and west of Bilbao with a population of 172,000 (2017).
It is believed to have been a port since ancient times, due to its favorable location, and is documented as far back as the 11th century. Much of the medieval city was lost in the Great Fire of 1941. Today, its remaining old town, beach and other attractions are popular with tourists and other visitors and its economy is mainly service based. The port is still very active and a regular ferry service operates to the United Kingdom. Fish and seafood dominate the local cuisine. Santander notably houses the headquarters of multinational bank Banco Santander, which was founded there.
Santander has a great tradition and cultural activity, with events that play an important role in cultural and social life of the city. UIMP is a major international summer university and organizes large festivals of music and dance. The Festival Internacional de Santander (FIS), Festival Internacional de Música de Órgano (FiMÓC), Encuentro de Música y Academia and the Paloma O’Shea International Piano Competition are main cultural events
The bars and restaurants of the old town are popular with tourists, as well as the El Sardinero beach a couple of kilometres away.
The Cathedral of Santander: The lower temple, called “cripta del Cristo” was built around 1200 on other earlier Roman buildings. It is 31 metres (102 ft) long and 18 metres (59 ft) wide, organised into three naves. Its style is a transition from romanesque to gothic.
The Lighthouse of Cabo Mayor presides over the entrance to the Bay of Santander.
Parque de la Vaguada de las Llamas is one of the largest parks in northern Spain, covering 11 hectares (27 acres) of the city.
Santander is pilot for a Smart city. It is embedded with 12,000 sensors.
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