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Madre Tierra Carta, 5.26 MB, Carta de la Madre Tierra, 03:50, 5,071, Club de Lectura ODS México. Leer sostiene, 2020-05-22T03:55:47.000000Z, 19, Cuento de la madre tierra, es.slideshare.net, 728 x 1043, jpeg, tierra madre carta madretierra, 20, madre-tierra-carta, Zadania lekcyjne
Pokud s konc. hno3 tak vzníká daná sůl, voda a no2, pokud zředěná. Cu + hcl → reakcja nie zachodzi reakcja nie zajdzie, bo miedź (cu) w szeregu aktywności metali leży za wodorem (h). Odpowiedź została zedytowana [pokaż poprzednią odpowiedź] odpowiedzi. Ekspert koman odpowiedział(a) 22. 03. 2009 o 16:53 cu. Verder resulteert cu+hcl in cucl + h2, dit kan verder worden geoxideert tot cucl2. Ik weet dit niet geheel zeker (onderandere omdat ik nu drank op heb), maar ik dacht dat het zo was. @ sobrero hieronder, klopt, sorry. Ik had het helemaal in. Copper (i) chloride, commonly called cuprous chloride, is the lower chloride of copper, with the formula cucl.
Cu + HCl (Copper + Hydrochloric acid): Equation tendencias
In this video we’ll look at the chemical equation for the reaction of HCl (Hydrochloric acid) and Cu (Copper).
But how do we know if the reaction actually happens? In other words, can the copper displace the H from HCl? For this we need to consult the Activity Series, a list of elements ordered from the least to most reactive.
Since copper is lower than hydrogen, that means is less reactive. Because of this it cannot displace the H from the Cl. As a result, there is no reaction between Cu and HCl.
Cu + HCl = No Reaction
The Activity series is helpful in determining whether single displacement reactions will actually happen by looking up each metal (or hydrogen) on the chart.
Note: It seems that HCl and Cu will react if the HCl is concentrated and something like H2O2 is present to provide oxygen. But just adding Copper and Hydrochloric acid will result in no reaction taking place.
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