Ennél fogva a kj (kilojoule) a joule, a kilokalória* pedig a kalória ezerszerese: 1 kj = 1000 j, 1 kcal = 1000 cal úgy tűnik, hogy a gyakorlat némileg megfricskázta a mértékegységek nemzetközi rendszerét (és ennek híveit), tudniillik a közhasználatban a kalória terjedt el, ráadásul úgy, hogy alatta a kilokalóriát értjük. 1 kcal 20 = 4. 182 kj. The energy in 20°c kilocalories e(kcal20) is equal to the energy in kilojoules e(kj) divided by 4. 182:
Cajas De Pasteles, 984.38 kB, Cajas clásicas para pasteles – Vídeo de montaje ref. 2272 SelfPackaging, 00:42, 188,086, SelfPackaging, 2015-01-27T09:38:36.000000Z, 19, Cajas con forma de rebanada de pastel – Dale Detalles, www.daledetalles.com, 1100 x 733, jpeg, rebanada, 20, cajas-de-pasteles, Zadania lekcyjne
Typ in het bedrag dat u wilt converteren en druk op de knop converteren. Behoort in categorie energie aan andere eenheden conversietabel voor uw website Kj/kg*k to kilocalorie per kilogram k the formula used to convert kj/kg*k to kilocalorie per kilogram k is 1 kilojoule per kilogram k = 0. 2388458966275 kilocalorie per kilogram k. Measurement is one of the most fundamental concepts. Note that we have fahrenheit as the biggest unit for length while joule per celsius per decamole is the smallest one. Instant free online tool for kilocalorie (th) to kilojoule conversion or vice versa. The kilocalorie (th) [kcal (th)] to kilojoule [kj] conversion table and conversion steps are also listed. Also, explore tools to convert kilocalorie (th) or kilojoule to other energy units. One kilojoule is equal to 0. 2390057361 kilocalories.
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