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Ortovanadato de sódio é um composto inorgânico de fórmula química na3vo4 , onde o vanadato, vo43−, exibe a geometria tetraédrica. É um inibidor das proteínas tirosina fostatase, fostatases alcalinas e uma parte das atpases, mais precisamente nas que agem como as. To ensure the presence of monomers, solutions should be heated to boiling until translucent and ph readjusted to 10. El ortovanadato de sodio es el compuesto inorgánico con la fórmula química na 3 vo 4 · 2h 2 o (ortovanadato de sodio dihidrato). Es una sal del vo 3− 4 oxianión. Es un sólido soluble en agua e incoloro. Contenido 1 síntesis y estructura 2 equilibrios de condensación 3 bioquímica 4 referencias 5 véase también síntesis y estructura Ortovanadato de sodio, mín. 96 %, mp biomedicals 54. 05€ / 10 g código de producto.
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La vanadinita es un mineral de la clase 8 (vanadatos), según la clasificación de Strunz, de fórmula química Pb5Cl(VO4)3.
El primero que lo descubrió en 1830 en Zimapán (México) fue el profesor A.M. del Río, profesor de la Escuela de Minas de México.
Su nombre se debe a su alto contenido en el elemento vanadio, aunque en algunos sitios recibe el sinónimo de “plomo pardo”.
La vanadinita es una mena secundaria del clorovanadato.
Casi siempre se le encuentra en la zona de oxidación de yacimientos de plomo que se encuentran en climas áridos, siendo el resultado de la alteración de sulfuros y silicatos vanádicos situados en la ganga y en la roca encajante del yacimiento.
Suele encontrarse asociada a: mimetita, piromorfita, limonita, cerusita o anglesita.
En química, un vanadato es un compuesto que contiene un oxianión de vanadio en su estado de oxidación más alto, +5.
El ion vanadato más simple es el anión ortovanadato VO43−, tetraedro, el cual está presente, por ejemplo, en el ortovanadato de sodio y en soluciones de V2O5 en una base fuerte (pH – 131). Convencionalmente este ion es representado con un enlace doble sencillo, sin embargo esta es una forma de resonancia ya que el ion es un tetraedro regular con cuatro átomos de oxígeno equivalentes.
Vanadinite is a mineral belonging to the apatite group of phosphates, with the chemical formula Pb5(VO4)3Cl. It is one of the main industrial ores of the metal vanadium and a minor source of lead.
A dense, brittle mineral, it is usually found in the form of red hexagonal crystals. It is an uncommon mineral, formed by the oxidation of lead ore deposits such as galena. First discovered in 1801 in Mexico, vanadinite deposits have since been unearthed in South America, Europe, Africa, and North America.
Vanadinite is an uncommon mineral, only occurring as the result of chemical alterations to a pre-existing material.
It is therefore known as a secondary mineral. It is found in arid climates and forms by oxidation of primary lead minerals.
Vanadinite is especially found in association with the lead sulfide, galena.
Other associated minerals include wulfenite, limonite, and barite.
It was originally discovered in Mexico by the Spanish mineralogist Andrés Manuel del Río in 1801. He called the mineral “brown lead” and asserted that it contained a new element, which he first named pancromium and later, erythronium. However, he was later led to believe that this was not a new element but merely an impure form of chromium. In 1830, Nils Gabriel Sefström discovered a new element, which he named vanadium. It was later revealed that this was identical to the metal discovered earlier by Andrés Manuel del Río.
Del Río’s “brown lead” was also rediscovered, in 1838 in Zimapan, Hidalgo, Mexico, and was named vanadinite because of its high vanadium content. Other names that have since been given to vanadinite are johnstonite and lead vanadate.
Vanadinite is in the apatite group of phosphates, and forms a chemical series with the minerals pyromorphite (Pb5(PO4)3Cl) and mimetite (Pb5(AsO4)3Cl), with both of which it may form solid solutions. Whereas most chemical series involve the substitution of metallic ions, this series substitutes its anion groups; phosphate (PO4), arsenate (AsO4) and vanada
te (VO4). Common impurities of vanadinite include phosphorus, arsenic and calcium, where these may act as an isomorphic substitute for vanadium. Vanadinite when containing a high amount of the arsenic impurity is known as endlichite.
Vanadinite is usually bright-red or orange-red in colour, although sometimes brown, red-brown, grey, yellow, or colourless.
Its distinctive colour makes it popular among mineral collectors. Its streak can be either pale yellow or brownish-yellow. Vanadinite may be transparent, translucent or opaque, and its lustre can range from resinous to adamantine. Vanadinite is anisotropic, meaning that some of its properties differ when measured along different axes.
When measured perpendicular and parallel to its axis of anisotropy, its refractive indices are 2.350 and 2.416 respectively. This gives it a birefringence of 0.066.
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