Pero Que Es Esto In English
The Spanish phrase "pero que es esto" literally translates to "but what is this?" in English. It is a common expression used to express surprise, confusion, or disbelief. The phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, from everyday conversations to formal speeches.
The most literal translation of "pero que es esto" is "but what is this?" However, this translation can be a bit clunky in English. A more natural-sounding translation would be "what is this?" or "what’s this?"
The following is a silo of keywords for the phrase "pero que es esto":
- pero que es esto
- but what is this
- what is this?
- what’s this?
- Spanish phrase
- expression
- surprise
- confusion
- disbelief
Usage in Everyday Conversations
In everyday conversations, "pero que es esto" is often used to express surprise or confusion. For example, if you saw someone wearing something strange, you might say "pero que es esto?" to express your surprise. Or, if you didn’t understand something someone said, you might say "pero que es esto?" to express your confusion.
Usage in Formal Speeches
"Pero que es esto" can also be used in formal speeches. For example, a politician might use the phrase to express disbelief or outrage at something that has happened. Or, a speaker might use the phrase to introduce a new or unexpected idea.
"Pero que es esto" is a versatile phrase that can be used in a variety of contexts. It is a useful way to express surprise, confusion, or disbelief in Spanish.
In Everyday Conversations
In everyday conversations, "pero que es esto" is often used to express surprise or confusion. For example, if you saw someone wearing something strange, you might say "pero que es esto?" to express your surprise. Or, if you didn’t understand something someone said, you might say "pero que es esto?" to express your confusion.
Here are some examples of how "pero que es esto" can be used in everyday conversations:
- "Pero que es esto? ¿Esa persona está usando un sombrero de copa?" (But what is this? Is that person wearing a top hat?)
- "Pero que es esto? ¿Qué está haciendo ese perro en el árbol?" (But what is this? What is that dog doing in the tree?)
- "Pero que es esto? No entiendo lo que estás diciendo." (But what is this? I don’t understand what you’re saying.)
- "Pero que es esto? ¿Por qué está haciendo eso?" (But what is this? Why is he doing that?)
In Formal Speeches
"Pero que es esto" can also be used in formal speeches. For example, a politician might use the phrase to express disbelief or outrage at something that has happened. Or, a speaker might use the phrase to introduce a new or unexpected idea.
Here are some examples of how "pero que es esto" can be used in formal speeches:
Disbelief or Outrage
- "Pero que es esto? ¿Cómo es posible que esto haya sucedido?" (But what is this? How is it possible that this has happened?)
- "Pero que es esto? ¿No tienen vergüenza?" (But what is this? Don’t they have any shame?)
New or Unexpected Idea
- "Pero que es esto? ¿Estamos realmente hablando de hacer esto?" (But what is this? Are we really talking about doing this?)
- "Pero que es esto? ¿Es posible que esto funcione?" (But what is this? Is it possible that this will work?)
"Pero que es esto" is a versatile phrase that can be used in a variety of contexts. It is a useful way to express surprise, confusion, or disbelief in Spanish.
WebMany translated example sentences containing "pero es que" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations. WebTraducción. El servicio de Google, que se ofrece sin coste económico, traduce al instante palabras, frases y páginas web a más de 100 idiomas. Webesto es expr (es decir) that is, rather expr : Tengo una casa, esto es, lo que tengo es una hipoteca. I have a house, that is (or: rather), I have a mortgage. esto es vida expr (así se. WebTranslations in context of "Pero esto qué" in Spanish-English from Reverso Context: ¿Pero esto qué es? -dijo con una mezcla de sorpresa e indignación. Translation Context. WebTranslate Pero que. See 3 authoritative translations of Pero que in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
How do you say "que es esto?" in English (US)? | HiNative
Source: HiNative
What is the difference between 'esto' and 'esta' in Spanish, and when are they used in place of 'es'? – Quora
Source: Quora
Pero Que Es Esto In English, A QUÉ NO SABES ESTO DE IN ON AT 👀 #practicaingles #englishlanguage #english #ejerciciosdeingles, 1.3 MB, 00:57, 3,229, JulioNeuroinglés, 2023-11-17T23:30:30.000000Z, 1, How do you say "que es esto?" in English (US)? | HiNative, HiNative, 630 x 1200, jpg, , 2, pero-que-es-esto-in-english, KAMPION
Pero Que Es Esto In English. WebGoogle's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. WebTranslations in context of "Pero que es esto" in Spanish-English from Reverso Context: "Pero que es esto…"
How do you say "que es esto?" in English (US)? | HiNative
Pero Que Es Esto In English, Webesto es expr (es decir) that is, rather expr : Tengo una casa, esto es, lo que tengo es una hipoteca. I have a house, that is (or: rather), I have a mortgage. esto es vida expr (así se. WebTranslations in context of "Pero esto qué" in Spanish-English from Reverso Context: ¿Pero esto qué es? -dijo con una mezcla de sorpresa e indignación. Translation Context. WebTranslate Pero que. See 3 authoritative translations of Pero que in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
A QUÉ NO SABES ESTO DE IN ON AT 👀 #practicaingles #englishlanguage #english #ejerciciosdeingles
