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BONUS – Solve this equation: 6 – 4 = ___
Purchase the Books & DVDs here: preschoolprepco.com/mathfacts
Adding and subtracting basic equations by sight is essential to a solid math foundation. Meet the Math Facts 1, 2, and 3 make learning to add and subtract fun and easy! With adorable characters that your child will grow to love, your child will be able to easily recall basic math facts to 10 + 10.
Learning to add and subtract has never been this easy!
Level 1: Sums 0 to 8
Level 2: Sums 9 to 12
Level 3: Sums 13 to 20
Primary School Prep is a division of Preschool Prep Company, home to a complete set of learning tools that have won over 100 awards! These educational products are used in millions of homes and schools around the world. You will be amazed at how easily you can learn math!™
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Watch the entire Meet the Math Facts – Addition (Level 1) playlist: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqAXA_I1l5r8caQ-b7JtnDr-Y9y63Pydh
Watch the entire Meet the Math Facts – Addition (Level 2) playlist: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqAXA_I1l5r93TnRihYmJ0Yfzy0qfGxxR
Watch the entire Meet the Math Facts – Addition (Level 3) playlist: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqAXA_I1l5r9R6zX10Xw7vEVdV3u7YLpD
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