몰 질량 of (c9)(h10)(o2) is 150. 1745 g/mol. Convert between (c9)(h10)(o2) weight and moles. Compounds with formula c 9 h 10. Cas号查询致力于为化学行业用户免费提供c9 o2 cl2 h10的cas号、中文名称、英文名称相互转换服务,同时也包括c9 o2 cl2 h10的性质、化学式、分子结构、密度、熔点、沸点等信息。
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无 (c9 h6 n2 o2. c6 h10 o3. c4h6)x: Caffeine (c8 h10 n4 o2): The world's most widely consumed psychoactive drug. The molecular formula c 9 h 10 o (molar mass: 134. 17 g/mol) may refer to: C9 h10 o2 help interpreting the ir and nmr spectrum in order to identify and name the unknown structure. If the more relevant peaks can be pointed out in section a and c in the ir spectrum. Key functional groups should be identified. Identify shift, multiplicity, integral ratio, inference.
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