The usermod command can be used to disable, or “lock,” a user account on linux. It's worth noting that some linux distributions provide front end commands to perform the same tasks. For example, the adduser command steps the sysadmin through a series of interactive prompts to create a new user. You must kill currently used process first.
Bloqueo De Lector, 21.77 MB, 🚫BLOQUEO LECTOR😡 8 consejos para que se vaya👋 y recs. de libros para ayudar📚✨, 15:51, 11,331, libroslibroslibros, 2022-01-07T00:00:17.000000Z, 19, El bloqueo de lector (causas y soluciones) – La piedra de Sísifo,, 800 x 981, jpeg, , 20, bloqueo-de-lector, Zadania lekcyjne
So, in this case you need to run this commands on nohup. Sudo su nohup kill 4220; After you can connect to ssh again. Answered nov 9, 2017 at 9:37. You can use the chage command to see if the new expiry has been set for the user. As you can see in our output below, the account expires setting has our new date. As the name suggests its a command to delete users. Removes home_dir, mail spool & group of the same name even these are being shared by another user. Arguments are optional, except username;
Artículos How to use the usermod command: 2-Minute Linux Tips actualizar
In this Linux tip, learn how to use the usermod command. It’s a command that allows you to make a lot of different changes to user accounts without having to edit configuration files.
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